"Who ran to help me when I fell, and would some
pretty story tell....or kiss the place to make it well?
My Mother!"

Well, here we are, another year, another Mothers Day. This year finds me hoping that my mother is looking down on my family and is very proud of the job I have done. I have the very best children and they have raised the very best grandchildren and they are working on the second great grand child. I already have one great that is beyond wonderful!
It is a wonder that they got to where they are because their mother was scared to death when I found out I was going to have a child. What do I do? Where do I begin to give the love and guidance needed to raise a "good kid." After all , I had no mother to tell me or show me. So when my son was born, I told him that he and I were on this great adventure alone but we would figure it out. Oh, his father was there and some help but mothering was an unknown. By the time my daughter came along I guess I had figured out the basics because my son was still here and doing good so a girl fit in just fine.
They both turned out to be people that care about others. One is a specialty nurse and the other a firefighter paramedic. Both have saved lives. A mother could not be more proud and I am sure their Grandmother is looking down and very proud also!
So, even though I lost my mother when I was a child and I lost my childhood in the process, asking God and your Mother for help in all things will get you through and probably to a very happy ending. I am at an age where one would think I should be over loosing her. that hurt, that pain, that loss is always there, as if it where yesterday. We learn to go on.