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"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass... It's about learning how to dance in the rain."

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Working on My Latest Poem

I've been working on my latest poem and hit a wall. I just suddenly went blank and can't find that grove.I had been talking to all of you about getting back in the swing of things and that got me writing on my book again. So, here I am back to get my mind going again. The poem I was in the middle of is about childhood memories. I promise I will post this one when I get it just right.

It made me think most of my childhood memories are of fun times, good things until the death of my mother and then the perspective changes. It takes a long time before things get happy again. I suppose that no matter at what age we loose our mother or a parent, it takes a long time for the world to turn right side up again. If you are lucky enough to have had your parent with you while you matured and became an adult, I imagine loosing them at that point would be extra hard because you are loosing a parent and a friend.

I can't relate to that. I only know that, as a child, it is terrifying to suddenly not have the mother that cared for you in every aspect of your life.

I can also tell you that the feeling of loss never goes away, there is a piece of you that is no longer there. But you find a place to tuck that feeling away and only take it out from time to time. I think we take it out because we are afraid that we are going to forget her or forget her face. Sometimes we feel guilty because we haven't thought of her for awhile.

If you have lost a parent and would like to talk about it please feel free to add to this blog.

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